LMN 6-16-15 Call me Kate Upton

LMN 6-16-15 Call me Kate Upton

LMN 6-16-15 Call me Kate Upton

Tropical storm Bill is poised to flood Texas. Bill? What kind of a scary storm name is that? Bill sounds like your drunk uncle who can’t even be trusted to bring ice to your 4th of July party.

Jeb Bush is running. The former Florida governor told his crowd that it’s “time we had rules for the rule-makers.” Now, I’m just a random radio host, but isn’t that called “The Constitution?”

Some are defending the ex-president of the NCAA in Spokane for pretending to be black. She’s white, but some groups are saying race identity is a CHOICE, just like gender. OK. In that case I prefer to be Kate Upton. If you don’t refer to me as Kate Upton, then get to sue you.

And a few things you need to know …

On this date in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was formed. Member F.D.I.C. Yeah, that one. Before then, all bank commercials just ended with the word “member.”

Pizza Hut has unveiled a new pizza with a crust that is stuffed with hot dogs. Because, apparently, we’re not killing ourselves fast enough.

Because there’s nothing new in Hollywood, they’re making a new Halloween movie. The guy who wrote a lot of the Saw films did the script. Even though we’re gonna keep beating this dead horse – it HAS to be better than Halloween 3.

Buckeye Coach Urban Mayer getting some heat from a viral picture. Someone parked in his designated spot, so he just blocked the Jeep in EVEN THOUGH there were free spots on all sides. It’s a JEEP! If it were mine I’d simply run over his car just like his defensive line.

And … Ramadan begins this evening; a month-long fast, to my Muslim friends, I’m a tad bit jealous your religion has a built in weight loss program.

Have a great week! I’m taking some vacation time so won’t be on this site for a bit. If you listen to the radio version of this blog AKA The Lisa Mason Kate Upton Morning Show, Hurricane Shane Chris Hemsworth will be filling in for me. You won’t BELIEVE the cool place I’ll be staying. There’s a great view, wi-fi, Netflix, my dog can stay with me … it’s called “My House.” Figured it’s been months since I moved, I might as well unpack.

Kate Upton out!

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