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Middays with MJ

Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

LMN 11-4-15 News is back for a minute

LMN 11-4-15 News is back for a minute

LMN 11-4-15 News is back for a minute

Just a reminder that if you want to get your votes to count, you have to have your ballot – oh. Wait. It’s Wednesday. Never mind.

In New Mexico, a guy killed his roommate, fearing he was turning into a zombie, after binge-watching episodes of The Walking Dead. I stopped watching The Walking Dead – I see enough zombies here at work every morning.

They are opening a Hunger Games theme park in Atlanta. Because who doesn’t want to ride rides, play carnie games and kill your friends in cold blood?

NASA has another big Mars announcement tomorrow. Great. We found water on Mars but still can’t permanently block game requests on Facebook.

A Mississippi man attempted to bomb a Wal-Mart because they stopped selling Confederate and Mississippi flags. Because the best way to plead your case is with a firebomb, not much damage was done because the guy made the device wrong. I was going to go to Walmart yesterday but I had on makeup and wasn’t wearing pajamas so I went to Target instead.

Hard to believe we’re just 8 months away from the 4th of July.

Health officials say that drinking two Diet Cokes a day can damage your heart. Good thing I don’t stop at 2. Or with diet.

A new study says that that cats are neurotic and are out to kill their owners. It turns out, all these years later, the dog was telling the truth!

And … Guy Fawkes Day is tomorrow. Do you open your gunpowder tonight or wait till Parliament opens in the morning?

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