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Middays with MJ

Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

LMN 1-13-16 Merry Powerball Eve.

LMN 1-13-16 Merry Powerball Eve.

LMN 1-13-16 Merry Powerball Eve.

Last night’s state of the union was … Oregon. Congrats Oregon for being this year’s state of the union! Oh wait. I’m so sorry. NEBRASKA is the state of the union. I made a mistake. Please remove the crown from Oregon. There were low rankings for last night’s little show. Most people were watching the Bama/Clemson 4th quarter again on DVR, but it was interesting to hear what the president found to blame on the GOP. I just really wish Neil Patrick Harris had hosted this year’s SOTU.

There is another presidential debate tonight. Thanks to these debates we can get a good look at people we had no idea were still running for president.

Buffalo, New York is getting buried in snow. The whole place looks like someone opened a Sandals Resort on Hoth.
The Supreme Court says it IS legal to impersonate military members and medal winners. So is it also legal to impersonate a Supreme Court justice?

The town of Paxton, Illinois is catching flak for putting up a sign warning of “suicidal deer” (people got their feelers hurt). I always thought the deer out here were magnetic, drive by in a vehicle and they’re immediately drawn to it.

A taxi driver who refused to pick up NBC’s Al Roker has been fined. It was shameful! Left standing on a curb in New York, Roker was forced to take one of the next 500 cabs to come along. What a giant baby. The first cabbie probably didn’t want to have to change Roker’s diaper.

And a few things you need to know …

On this date in 1128, the Pope recognized the Knights Templar. Prior to that they had been wearing disguises.
On this date in 1941, a new law went into effect granting Puerto Ricans U.S. birthright citizenship. Just think, if we let them into the Union, we’ll have to change the flag. Unless Texas actually secedes.

Microsoft is ending support of Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10. Are you still Internet Exploring? Good luck and please try not fall off the edge of what you likely believe is a very flat Earth. Now, if you are not familiar, Internet Explorer is the browser that spent its career letting everyone download other browsers.me Court justice?

And … Powerball is passing 1.5 billion dollars right now. Win that and you can finally afford that mid-tier health insurance. Don’t act like you don’t have a list of people you’re ditching if you win! Remember: you don’t have to win over a billion dollars to get put upon by your family or your friends – some will do it for free!

*And a big “thanks for nothing” to my coworker Davey. He ran for the boarder to get tickets for the office yet did NOT put out a company-wide email. Come on man! We’ve had mass emails about snakes, stupid lost adapters and missing breakroom lunches but can’t have one for Powerball tickets? That’s fine. I already have tickets and when I win I’m going to buy you.

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